1. Date and Venue
Date : February 20 to 25, 2011
Venue : Hotel Saphir, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2. Theme
“Youth Awareness of Climate Change”
· Copenhagen Summit and its implication for general climate change target
· Youth initiative on environmental conservation
· Pro poor conservation as a win-win solution
3. Background
- Human activities have been substantially increasing the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases which could adversely affect natural ecosystems and humankind.
- The global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and people in accordance with their differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions,
- Biodiversity plays a major contribution and often critical in the livelihood of a significant amount of the population worldwide.
- Young generation is a strategic partners and relevant actors for development and their significant contribution to their family, community and society.
- Youth are often the one who has ideas, enthusiasm energy, to do better and to make difference.
- Dialogue, understanding and sharing each other could ultimately develop networking and cooperation among future leaders.
4. Objectives
- To inspire young people and community at large the important of working together and sharing each other the alternatives policies and programs to reduce global emission.
- To promote mutual understanding and collaboration among youth on climate change issues.
- To raise awareness the effects of climate change on the life of youth in the future.
- To strengthen and enhance mutual understanding and cooperation among youth to face enormous economic and environmental challenges.
5. Output
- Participants will formulate some recommendations for policy makers, International and Government Institutions, and other stakeholders.
- The recommendation can be implemented through the action plan to be conducted and organized by youth, NGO, Governmental and International Organizations.
- A global youth network on developing a sustainable development.
- The Conference could create a strategic action and recommendation toward related government institutions and regional/ international organizations.
6. Participants
100 participants from ASEAN + Partners as well as observer from other countries age between 18 – 30 are expected to attend the conference. The qualifications of participants are those who are interested in climate change and environment issues, representing youth organizations or institutions, have good command of English and interested in youth development. The deadline of submission of the application forms is February 8, 2010. The committee will provide accommodation and local transport for participants from each country. The international airfare travel expenses must be paid by each participating country or organization.
7. Program Activities
The programs of the conference include Plenary, Group Discussions and Field Trips. Exchange of ideas and experience will be facilitated during the conference through the following activities:
a. Working Group Discussion
All participants will be actively involved in the panel discussion based on the four sub-themes as mentioned above.
b. Focus Group Discussion
The representative of each commission will discuss and formulate a Joint Statement as recommendations of the conference.
c. Design Plan of Action
Each Participant will design program/activities on climate change issues. The best design program will receive an award and appreciation from the committee.
d. Side Visit
After 2-3 conference and discussion, participants will also visit some pilot project related to the environment/biodiversity project in Yogyakarta.
8. Organizers
The event is organized by The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta and local Government of Yogyakarta.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports, The Republic of Indonesia
Committee of International Youth Conference 2010
Planning Bureau 9th floor
Jl. Gerbang Pemuda No.3 Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia 10270

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