Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

GREAT MUSEUM (Come join the Canadian Fossil Discovery Center= CFDC)

^_^ HELO , i'm Merlyanda Puspa Indah (Mey) and I am from Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia.
I'M one of the participants in the Indonesia - Canada World Youth Program. I have been in Canada for almost a month and I really ike it ! Canada is beautiful Country and I have never seen snow before and I am very exited! I like Morden a lot because Morden is a cool town and the people here are very friendly. I also really like all the flowers that are all over town.
like Adam,Pierre,and Nahla who you will be hearing from soon.I am also a volunteer at the Morden Fossil Museum, I like the museum because I enjoy the Fossils, and I am learning many new skills at the museum, I am learning alot baout the Mosasaurus and the other creatures that lived with it. we have done many activities at the museum such as making baby dinosaurs from plester,cleaning museum together, and have even begun to make a new dispay for the museum. We cut some pieces of styrafoam,sprey painted it, and then we glue sand on to it. it is going to ook very cool!! We also have gone out looking for fossils and we will do this every thursday.

I'am traying my best to learn English soI will write a new blog soon hehehe ^_^ hahah see you soon!!

-Big Love Mey -

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