CAPITAL CITY of the BANGKA BELITUNG Islands Province (Pangkalpinang Urban Tourism Area)
PANGKALPINANG Adalah ibukota provinsi Kep. Babel,disinilah pusat kepemerintahan prov Babel.
Pangkalpinang City,wich is the capital of the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands,is 89.40 Km2 in area and consists of 5 districts:
1. Pangkal Balam Districts
2. Taman Sari Districts
3. Bukit Intan Districts
4. Gerunggang Districts
5. Rangkui Districts.
Pangkalpinang mempunyai Pantai yang sangat Unic dan Menarik yaitu
Pantai Pasir Padi (Pasir Padi Beach)
The beach in located about 7 km to the East from downtown of Pangkalpinang City it is tourisem object with 400 Hctares,Pasir Padi Beach is the onely beach tourism site that most Pangkalpinang people like to visit, on this beach morning the sun shines so beautifully that many tourists from the surroundings,and other islands,even from other countries come to Pasir Padi Beach
Museum Timah (Tin Museum),
As the biggest tin producer area in Indonesia,Bangka Belitung Island Province has a museum located in the hearth of,we can find the relic of tin mining.
Tanjung Bunga Beach ,which is located at the southern end of Pasir Padi Beach is a rocky hill and has a dense forest. The access road to Tanjung Bunga Beach can be reached through Pasir Padi Beach.
Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Pemerintahan Kota Pangkalpinang
Jalan Rasa Kunda Pangkalpinang
Tlp. (0717) 439175, fax (0717)439175